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16 Benefits of Using PHP Laravel Framework

PHP Laravel framework is a web app development framework with expressive and elegant syntax that makes the entire web development process faster, easier, and enjoyable for developers by eliminating all the pain points associated with handling complex PHP code.

16 benefits of PHP Laravel framework are as below:

1. Increased Development Speed

Blade templating is a remarkable feature in Laravel, of which’s benefits are uncountable. It is a powerful engine that allows web developers to simply use pre-defined code templates. It makes the development of web applications fast.

Along with this, PHP Laravel framework’s elegant syntax and intuitive structure empower developers to write code swiftly and efficiently. It offers an array of pre-built components and libraries, thereby saving developers significant time and effort.

2. Simplified Routing and URL Configuration

PHP Laravel framework’s routing engine simplifies the definition of application routes, making it easy to handle incoming requests and generate URLs. This enables route parameter binding, middleware injection, and grouping related routes, ensuring a clean and organized approach to defining application endpoints.

3. Efficient Database Abstraction and Query Building

Laravel framework’s Eloquent ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) provides a simple and expressive way to interact with databases. Eloquent introduces a “Model” for each database table, encapsulating the logic for querying and modifying data. This powerful ORM eliminates the need for complex SQL queries, resulting in cleaner and more maintainable code.

4. Built-in Authentication and Authorization System

PHP Laravel framework provides a powerful authentication and authorization process for the web projects. This ensures only genuine and actual customers access the web software. Furthermore, Laravel helps with a more simplified method for authentication and authorization processes.
In short, Laravel Uses Secured Session-based Authentication and Authorization. It uses below two authentication methods:
• Session-based authentication for web development
• Token-based authentication in API

In addition, it uses sanctum for authentication for API or single-page applications web projects. Basically, sanctum provides an open authentication process which is based on Token-based authentication.

5. Seamless Integration with Caching Mechanisms

PHP Laravel framework offers built-in support for caching, allowing the storage of frequently accessed data for quicker retrieval. Laravel supports popular cache backends like Memcached and Redis out-of-the-box, and it’s configured to store cached objects in the file system. Best of all, Laravel will allow developers to create multiple cache configurations, which is ideal for larger sites.

6. Simplified Error and Exception Handling

Error and exception handling are essential aspects of any web application. PHP Laravel framework simplifies this process by providing a built-in mechanism for handling errors and exceptions. It offers a structured way to manage exceptions and display error messages gracefully, aiding in the identification and resolution of potential issues.

7. Enhanced Security Features

Security is one of the biggest concerns of 2021. As an enterprise, it is highly required that you make sure security is top-notch on your web application.

Security is a paramount concern in web development. PHP Laravel framework offers numerous features and tools to bolster application security, protecting against common vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and SQL injection. Laravel also incorporates built-in rate limiting to shield against DDoS attacks.

Laravel has inbuilt security functions like,

• Authentication system
• Password hashing
• Protection against CSRF
• Protection against XSS
• SQL injection, and
• Cookie protection
• Among all the most serious security risks of Laravel, it is known for finding XSS bugs (Cross-Site Scripting) from the codebase of custom software development.

So, why use PHP Laravel Framework? Because it is super-secure and does not allow any malware activities or security threats to enter the web app. This simply implies that your PHP web app is completely secure with Laravel.

8. Automated Testing Made Easy

PHP Laravel framework is truly built with testing in mind. Out of the box, Laravel has built-in PHP Unit support testing, and a phpunit.xml file is already set up, right inside the application. This allows the developer to run expressive testing of not just the whole site, but one function at a time, such as making requests like filling out forms, clicking links and making purchases. In short, automated testing in Laravel enables early detection and resolution of bugs, ensuring more stable and reliable applications.

9. Background Job Processing

Every web application needs a task scheduling mechanism to automate tasks when it is necessary. For example, sending emails to subscribers, notifications to app users, or only cleanup of the database to make web apps faster.

In the past, web developers used to generate a Cron entry for each task they wanted to schedule. However, with Laravel, you can avoid this headache by using its automatic command scheduler. It allows you to quickly and expressively define your command schedule within the Laravel framework itself, and a single Cron entry is required on your server to execute the task.

Besides making your web app high-performing and faster, this feature of the Laravel framework also helps you save on the hosting cost.

Also, PHP Laravel Framework supports a message queue system for load balancing. The system helps maintain a healthy web server along with effective traffic management. Thus, it keeps a web server healthy – one of the many Laravel benefits.

The Laravel queue service provides a unified API across a variety of different queue backends. Queues allow you to defer the processing of a time-consuming task, such as sending an email, which drastically speeds up web requests to your application.

Laravel’s queueing system enables the offloading of these tasks to background jobs, ensuring application responsiveness. Laravel supports multiple queue backends, including Redis, Amazon SQS, and databases, offering flexibility and scalability in handling queued jobs.

10. Extensive Package Ecosystem

PHP Laravel framework benefits from a vast and active community of developers who contribute to an extensive package ecosystem. These packages cover a wide range of functionalities, from authentication and authorization to payment processing and social media integration. Leveraging these packages can save you development time and effort, allowing you to focus on the core features of your application.

11. Powerful Artisan CLI

Artisan is basically a Command-Line Interface provided by Laravel, but a powerful Symfony console component drives it.
PHP Laravel framework’s command-line interface (CLI) tool, Artisan, offers a diverse range of commands to streamline the development process. With Artisan, you can generate boilerplate code, run database migrations, clear the cache, and perform various other tasks with just a few simple commands. It simplifies repetitive tasks and enhances developer productivity.

12. Scalability and Performance Optimization

PHP Laravel framework’s modular structure and scalability render it suitable for projects of all sizes, whether you’re building a small business website or a large enterprise application. Additionally, Laravel offers performance optimization features, including caching, query optimization, and database indexing, guaranteeing optimal application performance.

13. Seamless Integration with Front-end Frameworks

Another advantage of Laravel is that it harmonizes well with popular front-end frameworks like Vue.js, React, and Angular. It provides tools and libraries that streamline the integration process, facilitating the development of modern and interactive user interfaces. Laravel’s API-centric architecture facilitates seamless communication between the front-end and back-end, facilitating the development of single-page applications (SPAs) and progressive web apps (PWAs).

14. Flexible and Customizable

PHP Laravel framework’s flexibility empowers developers to tailor the framework to specific project requirements. It offers a wide array of configuration options, allowing customization of various aspects of your application, including database connections, caching mechanisms, and logging. PHP Laravel framework’s modular structure further enables seamless integration with third-party libraries and components, granting the flexibility to select the tools that best suit your project.

15. Cross-Platform Compatibility

PHP Laravel framework is a cross-platform framework, meaning it can run on various operating systems and web servers. Whether you’re developing on Windows, macOS, or Linux, Laravel offers seamless compatibility. This flexibility allows developers to work in their preferred development environment and deploy applications on different hosting platforms.

16. Excellent Documentation and Community Support

PHP Laravel Framework boasts comprehensive and well-organized documentation, facilitating the onboarding of developers to the framework. Moreover, the Laravel community is highly active and supportive, with numerous forums, tutorials, and resources available for developers to seek assistance and guidance. This wealth of community support ensures that you can find answers to your questions and learn from experienced developers.


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